



Here at Holistic Vision, we know how important seeing your best is. We are dedicated to providing the highest level of service so you can have the vision you deserve.

To ensure your best vision, we are very proud to offer the following services:

Holistic Vision Care

Holistic medical care is defined as an approach characterized by the treatment of the whole person rather than just symptoms of a disease.

Our practice, Holistic Vision, embraces the complex nature of vision which integrates processing visual information, critical to our sense of balance, coordination, reading ability, mental focus and visual comfort.

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Vision Therapy

Vision therapy is an individually-tailored regimen of eye exercises made to improve visual functions and retrain the brain to interpret visual input more accurately.

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Many parents worry that if their child has vision-related learning problems it will affect their future job or even lead to other issues. Many parents start to feel overwhelmed, especially if they are just starting to research their child's issues.

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Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation

Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation is an individualized treatment program for those with visual problems caused by physical disabilities, traumatic brain injuries (i.e. concussion), and other neurological insults (stroke, etc.).

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We are proud to offer a more comprehensive vision exam using advanced, state-of-the-art eye-tracking technology. The RightEye system enables our doctors to pinpoint functional vision and brain health issues, identify the root cause of reading problems, and improve athletic performance.

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Syntonics Phototherapy

Syntonics, or Optometric Phototherapy is the ocular application of specific frequencies of light to treat a wide range of visual dysfunctions. These include binocular and accommodative deficiencies, visually related learning and memory deficits, oculomotor deficiencies, abnormal pupil reflexes, the rehabilitation of visual dysfunctions that result from traumatic brain injury, headaches, visual field losses, and strabismus (turned eye), and amblyopia (lazy eye). Specifically, Syntonics is used to enlarge a deficient “functional” visual field. Constrictions in this field can affect visual processing, general coordination, and learning.

Postural Vision Integration

Dr. Sapossnek has teamed up with Postural Restoration© certified physical therapist Dr. Frank Mallon, to offer Postural Visual Integrative therapies because vision, posture, and movement are tightly linked. Approximately 60-80% of the brain has wiring that goes through the visual system which strongly drives the function of the entire nervous system and thus, strongly influences posture and movement.

SideVision Awareness Glasses

Side Vision Awareness Glasses™ (SVAG) were developed by Dr. Errol Rummel, an optometric physician, after years of treating people with stroke-related, or brain injury related hemianopsia (side vision loss). Dr. Rummel is a Fellow Emeritus of the Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association, and has had years of experience in private practice and as consultant in neuro-optometric rehabilitation at leading New Jersey rehabilitation hospitals. Dr. Sapossnek has been personally trained and mentored by Dr. Rummel.

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admin none 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM By Appointment Only Closed Closed optometrist # # #